"As this recent incident in Belgium shows us, open carrying can make you a target of an otherwise unarmed criminal." https://goo.gl/7vPZxu  #Prepping #SHTF #SHTFPreppingNewspic.twitter.com/TVV0Cvl7Ny

“As this recent incident in Belgium shows us, open carrying can make you a target of an otherwise unarmed criminal.” https://goo.gl/7vPZxu 

“As this recent incident in Belgium shows us, open carrying can make you a target of an otherwise unarmed criminal.” https://goo.gl/7vPZxu  #Prepping #SHTF #SHTFPreppingNewspic.twitter.com/TVV0Cvl7Ny published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
