"With amputations, I have found that the right amount of pressure is simply however much pressure it takes to stop the blood flow." https://goo.gl/oLYxBf  #ReadyLifestyle #Prepping #SHTF #Bleedingpic.twitter.com/NFT96AI5Z4

“With amputations, I have found that the right amount of pressure is simply however much pressure it takes to stop the blood flow.” https://goo.gl/oLYxBf 

“With amputations, I have found that the right amount of pressure is simply however much pressure it takes to stop the blood flow.” https://goo.gl/oLYxBf  #ReadyLifestyle #Prepping #SHTF #Bleedingpic.twitter.com/NFT96AI5Z4 published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
