"The bulletin was recently been updated following growing concerns about terrorists targeting the airline sector, a senior official at DHS told ABC." https://goo.gl/KvqZKV  #PrepperTalk #SHTF #Preppingpic.twitter.com/DpKz2JPsbs

“The bulletin was recently been updated following growing concerns about terrorists targeting the airline sector, a senior official at DHS told ABC.” https://goo.gl/KvqZKV 

“The bulletin was recently been updated following growing concerns about terrorists targeting the airline sector, a senior official at DHS told ABC.” https://goo.gl/KvqZKV  #PrepperTalk #SHTF #Preppingpic.twitter.com/DpKz2JPsbs published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
