"All of the normal attachment points for modern bows can be found on the Sage with attachment points for sights, quiver, and a forward stabilizer if you choose to use them." https://goo.gl/8Hn5Z2  #ReadyLifestyle #SamickSage #Prepping #SHTFpic.twitter.com/GQHdNyEM2W

“All of the normal attachment points for modern bows can be found on the Sage with attachment points for sights, quiver, and a forward stabilizer if you choose to use them.” https://goo.gl/8Hn5Z2 

“All of the normal attachment points for modern bows can be found on the Sage with attachment points for sights, quiver, and a forward stabilizer if you choose to use them.” https://goo.gl/8Hn5Z2  #ReadyLifestyle #SamickSage #Prepping #SHTFpic.twitter.com/GQHdNyEM2W published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
